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SUDDENLY: a Frank Sinatra podcast

Oct 18, 2022

This week we're forced to soberly confront our own mortality to the stark strains of a Polish funeral dirge sung in a small-town graveyard. In MIRACLE OF THE BELLS (1948), Sinatra's film career makes a shockingly drastic departure from campy musicals to a dead-serious Catholic melodrama about a man making funeral preparations for a young woman who dies of lung cancer. This episode goes to some real dark places, including some long tangents about police abolition and climate justice. But the real question is: is DON'T WORRY DARLING the MIRACLE OF THE BELLS of today, and vice versa? Someone on Twitter thinks so; we put a hot take to the test. Also, was Joan of Arc trans and does it even matter?

This week we recommend the podcast Ad Creeps, the book The End of Policing by Alex Vitale and MIND GAME (2004).

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