Sep 1, 2023
Surprise! We're joined from Los Angeles by the legendary Karina
Longworth, renowned film historian, author, critic and host of the
iconic podcast You Must Remember This. This week,
we're jumping ahead to discuss HIGH SOCIETY (1956). Louis Armstrong
definitely deserved better, and we tackle the explicitly racist
treatment of his character in the context in which 1950s Australian
audiences would have received it. Also, what's with the old-timey
trope of old men singing to little girls about how they'll be hot
when they grow up? This week, opinions, perspectives and historical
insights vary significantly between the four of us, but all come
together to form a cohesive picture. As Karina says, "Your mileage
may vary."
Deirdre O'Connell's Harlem Nights: The Secret History of
Australia's Jazz Age is available from
Macquarie University Press.
Dream Empire (2016) is streaming on Vimeo On
Listen to Henry's new show with W.M. Akers, I'll
Watch Anything.
The new season of You Must Remember
This - a continuation of the Erotic 90s series - begins on
September 5th.
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